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Bowls & Grinding Heads

We like to inform you with the composition of the different steels and other materials used in the manufacturing of jaws to help you choose the most suitable ones for your operations.

Alloy 1:  It is the most used for general purpose pulverizing (assaying), where the alloying elements of chromium and molybdenum do not affect the analysis. This material is very hard and tough andit is recognized to be the best for applications where abrasion and impact is the norm.
Alloy 2: This steel is recommended in applications where molybdenum interferes in the analysis of the material that will be ground as it is the case in some geochemical work. It has the same hardness as alloy 1, 58-62 Rockwell but, because it does not have molybdenum it is somewhat less wear and abrasion resistant; approximately 10-25% upon the media to be ground.

Carbon steel: This steel is fully hardened having a .65 - .75 carbon and a .60 - .90 manganese content. Since this steel is produced from ingots originating from mined ore and not from recycled steel, which notoriously has more contaminating elements, it is a highly recommended steel to minimize cross contamination.


Alloy 2 - 0.85 % Manganese
Chrome Steel - 1.5 % Carbon, 1.5 % Silicon, 12.0 % Chromium, Remainder Iron

Alloy 1 - 0.85 % Manganese

Chrome/Molybdenum Steel: 1.2 % Molybdenum, 1.5 % Carbon, 1.5 % Silicon, 12.0 % Chromium, Remainder Iron

Carbon Steel Composition​

Element Amount Unless otherwise specified, the amount indicated is in ppm (parts per million)
Au < 0.15, Ag < 0.4, Bi < 11, C 0.3%, Cd < 14, Co < 240, Cu < 300, Cr < 320, Mg < 500, Mn < 9000, Mo < 180, Ni < 310, Pb < 7, V < 80, W <3, Zn <320

Manganese Steel: 0.10 % Nickel Max., 0.80 % Silicon, 1.20 % Carbon 12.5 % Manganese, Remainder Iron

Manganese steel Grade ASTM 8128 is called a work hardening steel, meaning that it hardens as it gets impacted. The maximum hardness that it achieves is approximately 54-55 Rockwell C, and contrary to the other ones it will wear a relatively rough surface.​

Tungsten Carbide 12.0 % Cobalt, 88.0 % Tungsten

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