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Drying Ovens

Available from: 2' x 2' x 2' up to 8' x 6' x 7' (inside dimensions L x W x H).
Bigger ovens will be produced upon customer's specifications.

3 Phase/60 cycle air ventilation motors standard.
1 Phase and/or 50 cycle motors available.
Available with trays or drive-in carts, etc...
Please specify at time of ordering

Customers that have bought our Electric Drying Ovens once typically always come back for more! Our ovens have two temperature controllers up to 250° Celsius with thermocouples: one for drying the samples at the desired temperature and the other one to protect and prevent oven from overheating should the main one or any other component malfunction. They are made of a welded steel construction with 4" insulation on top and 3" on walls. Inner walls and inner panel doors are made of stainless steel for maximum efficiency, protection, and durability. A roof fan is supplied and engineered to create uniform ventilation in the entire oven with adjustable vent for moisture exhaustion. Rod type heating elements proven for long durability and performance as standard fixtures. They can be supplied with drive-in carts or removable shelves. All of our ovens are typically customized to suit each customer’s needs. Pans can be supplied as well.

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